A great deal to worry about but it seems there is little we can do here other than might against racism and misinformation and cool the temperature down. I recently received Frayed Light by Yonatan Berg translated by Joanna Chen. Chen is the writer that was cancelled by the publication Guernica by writing about her response to the situation in Israel. The best response censorship is to buy and read the writings of those being censored.

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There’s very little I can argue with other than Israel needs to rid itself of ultra righteous extremists within its own borders or risk its soul. And Netanyahu.

Hezbollah is as indifferent to life as Netanyahu (who is corrupt and dangerous to Israel’s survival.) i agree that to not discuss what is happening without raising your eyes and seeing the regional enemies and their intent to destroy Israel is deliberate blindness.

But surely we must save the small ones. And shield the innocent.

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Pieter, Thank you for your ongoing reports.

For those not familiar with the book 1984 by George Orwell might read it to put the current conflict into a perspective first published in 1949.

Regarding the Israel war: It was, and still is, my belief that leadership in Israel while engaged in an aggressive territorial campaign to maintain its sovereignty might similarly engage in a more nuanced social media campaign to aggressively restore of areas of destroyed property to resettle the earlier civilian Palestine inhabitants to their homes.

A two state solution seems unworthy as it pursue a past practice in which all parties within Israel's borders, neighboring countries, and terrorist organizations failed to honor.

I favor a one state solution for the benefit for all inhabitants regardless of religious commitment to live in harmony thus prevent these mutual holy lands to continue to be a kill zone for providers of weapon systems. This might require the renaming of the one state. All citizens within these borders of the one state would coexist in a harmony governed by an agreed constitution. This will not be easy.

Regarding the Russia declared war in the Ukraine: Russia retreat and sue for peace that in part would stipulate the rebuilding the damage to favor contractor economies on both sides.

If not, read 1984 for the outcome proposed in that novel's scenario.

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