There is no doubt most Israelis recognize the importance of Palestinian self-determination. The challenge is with whom as a trustworthy leader.

Forget Hamas - still madly popular in the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas inculcates their entire population to hate and murder Jewish people from birth. Any notion that Israel would give Hamas the ability to again arm up on Israeli borders is over after Hamas broke the peace with the shocking Oct 7th homicidal rape of Israeli civilians.

The Israeli’s challenge is for the Arab/Palestinians to nominate a remotely honourable peace leader. Until this can be there is no peace in the holy land.

Today’s choices:

Hamas – Sworn Jihadists an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their goal is a global Islamic Caliphate. Egypt and many Sunni Arab countries jail or kill them. Egypt had a open border with Gaza but locked it 100% when Hamas violently took control of Gaza in 2007. Read the Hamas Charter here: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp

In particular Article 32 -

Palestinian Authority – Led by a corrupt, 88-year-old leader who has ruled for 19 years of his 4-year term. The Palestinian Authority allocates monthly salaries rewarding terrorists and their families for killing Israelis. They name streets and universities after dead terrorists and teach children it's acceptable to kill Israelis via terrorism in a struggle that never ends.

Horrible dilemma within Israel of choosing to eradicate Hamas or release terrorists with blood on their hands who will keep on killing. Do the Palestinian Arabs ever want peace?

Current Hamas chief terrorist Yaya Sinwar was a convicted murderer in Israeli prison until his release for a prisoner swap for Gilad Shalit in 2014.

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Agreed on a remotely honourable peace leader. And: de-radicalize the Palestinian population while reforming education in Gaza and West Bank. It will take many years.

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Thank you for this summary. The hostage recovery should be the top priority. When reunited, the hostage's lasting effects of post traumatic mental stress and uncertainty will remain with them, their family and neighbors forever. Similarly, the innocent and greater number Gaza and Palestine families in the way of Israel's attempt to solve the situation by counter invasion will have "lasting effects of post traumatic mental stress and uncertainty will remain with them, their family and neighbors forever." The collective trama will never be forgotten to the readers of your blog. A lasting sustainable peace for all parties in this conflict in sharing the holy land together still remains the best option to the healing required.

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Agreed on the hostages as top priority. Let's hope there is progress soon.

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