Thanks for this thoughtful piece Pieter. The series and the couple have been very contraversial... I think it would be very interesting to look at the background and experience of people on 'either side' of the divide.

I am trying to understand the motivation for the divisiveness in so much of our lives right now.

Best wishes as you share your thoughts and wisdom.


Michael Broughton

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Wow, Thank you Pieter for shining new light into these dark places and explaining this quagmire with such clarity. The amount of shock from my own person upbringing resonates with the frustration that Harry must be going through at this time and the added burden of being tied into the worlds digestive system.

May we certainly hope, that this world will see the individual darkness that we all carry and head it in a more peaceful and positive direction.

Thanks for the Clarity.

Norman Pellow.

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