Jun 28Liked by Pieter Dorsman

I was shocked by the commentary of the CNN panel after the debate. They seriously seemed gobsmacked by the cognitive decline of Biden. You have to of being living under a rock to not have known this.

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Jun 29Liked by Pieter Dorsman

More people are finally admitting the Emperor is naked.

Having read Francisco Gil-White’s articles, it has become clear (to me) that the US is certainly not a democracy. At least, not in the way we were taught/brainwashed during our youth.

With Biden as an incapacitated president, their lies have become unashamedly blatant and the Democrats have taken this puppet show completely to a new level.

As you say Pieter, the issue is who is running the show? Barak Hussain Obama must be reeling that his 4th term is in jeopardy..

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I don’t feel sorry for a lifetime “public servant” who is now a multimillionaire with a nice beach house. I feel sorry for the country and its allies that have to navigate a dangerous 7 months now that this fraud has been exposed to the world.

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This administration has been a giant fraud on the world from the start. Biden was senile 4 years ago. But all the people who could force Biden out - his fellow Democrats in Congress, the donors and interest groups, the unions, are also the ones who are making a fortune from his policies - from the green, inflationary spending, from the huge expansion in Federal bureaucracy, and other huge increases in Federal spending under Biden. These groups - Congressman, bureaucrats, and green financiers, the “ nonprofits” are all apex predators, not honorable public servants , or contributors to the public good in any way. They view the US as prey, and, as predators, their “ success “ means the death of the US, the impoverishment of her people, world chaos and endless warfare.

It is now unarguable that the 4 years of Trump were very good for America and the world, and the 4 years of Biden have been catastrophic. Unless the Democrats and the woke non-profits, and the woke tech billionaires, the financiers and the nonprofits, are prevented from stealing the 2024 election, the world will see the collapse of the US economy, which will take the world’s economies with it, and the end of the Pax Americana which made all world prosperity possible.

The American people must throw out all politicians who have tolerated globalism, because globalism is a parasite that by design could only flourish by feeding off, and finally killing the United States.

The only people who can and will end the destruction and save the US are the American voters, themselves.

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