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Thank you, Pieter, for clarity on this situation. As you state the broader Middle East is at great risk of a massive war. There is little trustworthy coverage in the MSM and almost nothing on the situation on Israel’s northern border where 60,000 residents have fled their homes and towns are burning.

The root cause of this situation is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s training and arming of Israel’s foes on every front. This has occurred during the US Administrations of Obama and Biden. Combination of almost 12 years. They believe that appeasing the Islamic Republic of Iran’s ambitions for hegemonic power will bring peace. At the clear expense of Israel and the Jewish people. Israel will defend herself with all weapons available as necessary.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, emboldened by years of US concessions is confident Biden in an election year will do little to act. Is the O’Biden brain trust so naive as to realize they’re pushing all parties into a diabolical abyss?

The US must teach Iran that supporting the Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah is poor strategy. Not doing this is leading all to the brink. It would do more to stabilize the Middle East than Blinken aimlessly flying around the region uttering “Hamas is not negotiating in good faith”. As if Sinwar understands.

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