Oct 30, 2023Liked by Pieter Dorsman

I greatly appreciate your analysis , broad coverage and understanding of the events unfolding in our time. I find I simply cannot fathom the level of hatred and perhaps that is because I live here in Canada and feel that myself and my family are relatively safe, is all this hate disguised fear. I’m not so sure anymore. I basically always ask myself this question when confronted with a situation I don’t understand and that is “Whose needs are being met?” and other than destabilizing the world order it seems impossible to grasp an answer.

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Maintain your information flow. Thank you for summary analysis.

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Thanks Pieter for sharing all this info. I didn’t know Hamas leadership resides in Qatar, you learn something new everyday! “Fun fact”: western Europe is scrambling now to sign significant long term deals with Qatar for delivery of liquefied natural gas. The irony - slapping sanctions on Russia to then turn to Hamas for your fossil fuels. All the while the Netherlands will stop the search for new onshore oil and gas fields in a drive to reach its climate goals and limit seismic risks. Let that sink in and then try to count the levels of stupidity.

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A number of them live in Qatar, most notably Ismail Haniyeh who is seen as the overall Hamas leader. That is also why a lot of the negotiations are conducted with the help of Qatari leaders.

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