General Douglas MacArthur - the most effective/brilliant US general of WWII, said all military failure, can , in the end, can be explained by the words: too late. Too late in assessing the danger of enemies, and too late in preparing to fight them. If this is true, it’s plain to see the worthless European leaders - that is, ALL of them - will be saved only by the US. Defense is a public good, and the US must levy tariffs on all European goods, to make these freeloaders pay. It is absurd for the US to voluntarily provide them defense. And, projects like Nordstream 2 must never be allowed by the US.

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All of this is very bad news for our children and grandchildren. Basically as societies we have decided that we are not going to address climate change. I think 3 degrees of warming is probable. More than two degrees inevitable. The political winds generally are pushing us towards more warming. An interesting question, will more open or more closed societies better adapt to declining populations? Japan provides one early case study.

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Incumbent politicians need to figure out why climate policies are not resonating. The Dutch right-leaning new government will actually have a new ministry named 'Climate and Green Growth'. Is this window dressing or a new approach? We will see, but I do think the right can offer new approaches to the issue.

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If I were to take a swing at why the green policies are not resonating, one of the main things would be that people sense that we’re squandering our energy and food security. Examples galore, from chinese ev’s to curbs on oil and gas and from trying to eradicate farmers to promoting bugs as our next foodstuff (not a joke). So while the axis of evil is for sure is a big concern that needs addressing, we can only be successful from a position of strength. To me, a recipe for success going forward includes focusing on western energy reliability/security, slowing down the pace of change (inflation!) and toning down the hysteria (“we’re all gonna die tomorrow”). If we can get to that, I think a majority of people will buy into it. If we can’t, russia, china etc will waste no opportunity to weaken us further.

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Agree on climate hysteria. We need a measured and calm approach that is built around innovation.

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I am interested to see aht these will be. It is not happening at the federal level or provincial level. Too bad we can't get Campbell back.

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