I am afraid about what will happen and if we will get another extremist Islamist regime. But this has to happen and anything that weakens Iran has to be good. A close friend of my youngest son is from Syria. They left Syria for Algeria 30 years ago and are now doctors in Paris, Architects in Los Angeles, etc. The grandfather though wanted to die in his native Syria so about a year ago he returned. The Assad regime accommodated him. He was shot dead within a week of returning.

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The stories of suffering and loss will mount over the coming weeks as prisons open and people are free to speak. I agree that Syria's future is uncertain and things can go in many different directions.

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Not to mention the already incoming stories of HTS atrocities happening right now against the Syrian people as we speak, meanwhile the west quietly take the victors off the terrorist list, ready to throw them under the bus so that Israel and Turkey can carve up Syria now that all meaningful opposition has been removed.

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I can't keep up......this is like drinking from 100 fire hoses simultaneously. Great piece.

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A very simplistic and Prosaic understanding of the conflict, totally swallowing all the NATO backed propaganda points, lacking nuance and completely obfuscating the fact that the Syria has just been taken over by a group of nato/turkey/zionist funded terrorists whose appetite for murder and bloodlust are many times worse than any of the crimes of the Assad regime. Oh, and the chemical weapons, really? If I wanted to read this sort of twaddle I could have stayed reading the Guardian and the BBC.

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What a load of bull. How about US occupation of Syria's wheatlands and stealing g their oil (income) last ten years for a start. Janet and John in fingerpaints..

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That’s a heavy on rhetoric and light on insight. Oh, the titans will fall, etc.

Assad won the war and lost the piece. It had little to do with Hamas attack and everything with not being able to generate enough money to pay army and keep the populace employed. Gas and oil fields are occupied by the US, again - nothing to do with Hamas.

Idlib was not crushed in 2018 because of the US insistence - why would they protect ISIS is a very good question - but nevertheless, it had nothing to do with Hamas.

You’re drawing connections to where there are none, and ignoring the reality on the ground.

For all of the complaints about horrible Assad regime, the bloodbath released by his opponents and settling of the scores that’s unfolding right now will outdo Assad many times over.

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Mc.Stain is a big brown splotch in a brand new pair of BVDs. Nice presentation, luddite!

And good job on Gadaffi and Libia too.

Him, killary, and bathhouse barry will burn extra long for that project!!

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